S04E10 finale
I pray for you, Richter Belmont.
In the thick of the French Revolution, members of the so-called lower classes are rising up to fight inequality. Meanwhile, Richter Belmont senses a far grimmer and greater danger. He's picked up his family's long-held tradition of vampire hunting, a vocation that goes back almost as long as a vampiric life span (in other words, forever) but he's never seen anything quite like what he's witnessing now.
S02: Aided by the legendary Alucard, Richter and his band of vampire hunters must race to stop powerful Erzsebet from plunging the world into eternal night.
Drolta's dark past unfolds as Alucard, Annette and Richter set out in search of Sekhmet's missing soul. Maria encounters her mother in her new form.