Heroes. Villains. Whatever.
In a place where young witches, vampires, and werewolves are nurtured to be their best selves in spite of their worst impulses, Klaus Mikaelson’s daughter, 17-year-old Hope Mikaelson, Alaric Saltzman’s twins, Lizzie and Josie Saltzman, among others, come of age into heroes and villains at The Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted.
Premiere DateOct 25, 2018
- Danielle Rose Russell as Hope Mikaelson
- Aria Shahghasemi as Landon Kirby
- Matthew Davis as Alaric Saltzman
- Kaylee Kaneshiro as Josie Saltzman
- Jenny Boyd as Lizzie Saltzman
- Quincy Fouse as Milton "MG" Greasley
- Chris Lee as Kaleb Hawkins
- Ben Levin as Jed Tien
- Leo Howard as Ethan Machado
S02E05 Screw Endgame
As the Salvatore School prepares for its upcoming '80s-themed decade dance, Hope and Lizzie find themselves trapped inside a never-ending labyrinth with a monster on their trail. Meanwhile, Josie and Landon decide whether or not to take their relationship to the next level. Elsewhere, MG turns to Kaleb for advice on what to do about Sebastian, while Rafael struggles to adjust to his life back at the school.