A fantasy drama set in a world of legendary heroes and mythical creatures. Far from home and desperate for answers, Jason washes up on the shores of an ancient land. A mysterious place; a world of bull leaping, of snake haired goddesses and of palaces so vast it was said they were built by giants - this is the city of Atlantis. Aided by his two new friends, Pythagoras and Hercules, Jason embarks on a voyage of discovery, and salvation, which sees him brush shoulders with Medusa, come face to face with the Minotaur and even do battle with the dead.
Premiere DateSep 28, 2013
- Mark Addy as Hercules
- Jack Donnelly as Jason
- Robert Emms as Pythagoras
- Aiysha Hart as Ariadne
- Sarah Parish as Pasiphae
- Juliet Stevenson as The Oracle
- Jemima Rooper as Medusa
- Amy Manson as Medea
- Vincent Regan as Dion
- Lorcan Cranitch as Cilix
- Robert Lindsay as Daedalus
S02E06 The Grey Sisters
As Ariadne lies on her deathbed, Jason embarks on a dangerous quest into the unknown. After a daring encounter with the ancient Grey Sisters, Jason's mission brings him face to face with Medea and Pasiphae once more.
- S02
- S01