The story of an unassuming American family drawn into the workings of a turbulent Middle Eastern nation. Bassam "Barry" Al Fayeed, the younger son of the dictator of a war-torn nation, ends a self-imposed 20-year exile to return to his homeland, accompanied by his American wife and children, for his nephew's wedding. Barry’s reluctant homecoming leads to a dramatic clash of cultures as he is thrown back into the familial and national politics of his youth.
Premiere DateJun 24, 2014
- Adam Rayner as Barry Al Fayeed
- Jennifer Finnigan as Molly Al Fayeed
- Moran Atias as Leila Al-Fayeed
- Ashraf Barhom as Jamal Al Fayeed
- Noah Silver as Sammy Al Fayeed
- Anne Winters as Emma Al Fayeed
- Sibylla Deen as Nusrat Al Fayeed
- Waleed Elgadi as Walid Rashid
- Caroline Boulton as CHB journalist
S03E07 Bedfellows
Haunted by Emma's death and his failure to kill Ihab, Barry pushes away his closest allies - including Daliyah. Leila leaves the government in protest and forms an unlikely partnership. Cogswell takes radical action against a blackmailer. Ihab forms a connection with Mahdiya, while the Caliphate ramps up plans to invade Abuddin.