Connection Season 1 Episode 8

Connection Season 1 Episode 8

An elite drug squad detective forced to drug by someone mysterious reveals the whole story of 20 years of friendship and connection with the death of a friend.

S01E08 Why Did You Kill Park Jun-seo?

Jae-kyung puts the puzzle pieces together of the day Jun-seo died, and a rift between Jong-soo, Tae-jin, and Ji-yeon pushes them apart. Meanwhile, Jae-kyung, Yun-jin, and Joo-song visit Hyun-woo, discover the whole story between Jun-seo and the medication incident, and then find a clue to the murder at the mill.


Source: Connection.S01E08.1080p.friDay.WEB-DL.H264.AAC-ADWeb


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