"Proven Innocent" tells the emotional story of one woman's fight to prove the innocence of wrongfully convicted people. The legal drama follows an underdog criminal defense firm led by a fierce and uncompromising lawyer, Madeline Scott, who was wrongfully convicted in a sensational murder case that made her an infamous media obsession. Madeline runs the legal firm with her partner, Easy Boudreau, the very lawyer who helped set her free after 10 years in prison. Their team also includes investigator Bodie Quick and communications director Violet Price, who runs a true crime podcast that follows each investigation.
Premiere DateFeb 16, 2019
- Rachelle Lefevre as Madeline Scott
- Russell Hornsby as Easy Boudreau
- Kelsey Grammer as Gore Bellows
- Vincent Kartheiser as Bodie Quick
- Riley Smith as Levi Scott
- Nikki M. James as Violet Bell
- Clare O'Connor as Young Madeline
- Krystel McNeil as Joan Myers
S01E09 Acceptable Losses
When the Injustice Defense Group is approached to exonerate a former frat boy, Daniel Hernandez (guest star Juan Gabriel Pareja), who is charged with rape and murder, a turn in Davon Watkins' case forces Madeline to head back to Ohio, leaving Easy and Bodie to solve this case alone before Easy's mentor, Judge Fry. Meanwhile, Bellows struggles with the values of his campaign, Levi follows up with a high school classmate to find out more about Rosemary's past and Wren is up for parole.
- S01