Set in the backdrop of the mystical city of Varanasi, Asur follows Nikhil Nair, a forensic-expert-turned-teacher, who returns to his roots at the Central Bureau of Investigation, and along with his former mentor Dhananjay Rajpoot, finds himself caught in a cat-and-mouse game with a brutal serial killer. What follows is a blend of suspense, mythology and the murders of some people totally unrelated.
Premiere DateMar 3, 2020
- Arshad Warsi as Dhananjay Rajput
- Anupriya Goenka as Naina Nair
- Ridhi Dogra as Nusrat Saeed
- Sharib Hashmi as Lolark Dubey
- Barun Sobti as Nikhil Nair
- Amey Wagh as Rasool Sheikh
- Vishesh Bansal as Shubh Joshi (Teenage)
- Meiyang Chang as Paul Shangpliang
- Pawan Chopra as Shashank Awasthi
- Abhishek Chauhan as Shubh Joshi
- Atharva Vishwakarma as Anant
S01E01 The dead can talk
The sudden death of a priest right in front of his teenage son sends people in a frenzy. 11 years later, Nikhil Nair, a forensic expert teaching at the FBI HQ, receives coordinates of an unknown location from a mysterious source only to find out a completely mutilated, tortured and charred body back in India. With a killer responsible for a murder that can make even the toughest cops shudder on the loose, Dr. Dhananjay Rajpoot, a forensic expert is set on a wild goose chase.
- S02
- S01