Three story strands are interwoven into a sophisticated action-packed thriller that covers the length and breadth of South Africa, explosively colliding in Cape Town in a violent conspiracy involving organized crime, smuggled diamonds, state security, Black Rhinos, the CIA and an international terrorist plot.
Premiere DateJan 1, 1970
- James Alexander as Lemmer
- Rolanda Marais as Milla Strachan
- Ed Stoppard as Lukas Becker
- Trix Vivier as Flea van Jaarsveld
- Thapelo Mokoena as Quinn Makebe
- Sandi Schultz as Janina Mentz
Still trying to prove CiA covert ops on SA soil, Milla is arrested and interrogated by Janina Mentz. Shahid is in hospital and Daoud is told about the missing laptop. Flea gets Lemmer to help with the diamond drop. Milla realises Becker is CIA. When Becker activates Shahids laptop it gives Daoud their position and an ambush ensues. The diamond drop goes wrong and there is a shootout as Daoud tries to get the plan back on track. The head of PBI suspends Janina and she meets with Lemmer.
- S01