FBI Agent Clarice Starling returns to the field in 1993, one year after the events of The Silence of the Lambs. Brilliant and vulnerable, Clarice's bravery gives her an inner light that draws monsters and madmen to her. However, her complex psychological makeup that comes from a challenging childhood empowers her to begin to find her voice while working in a man's world, as well as escape the family secrets that have haunted her throughout her life.
Premiere DateFeb 12, 2021
- Rebecca Breeds as Clarice Starling
- Nick Sandow as Murray Clarke
- Michael Cudlitz as Paul Krendler
- Lucca De Oliveira as Tomas Esquivel
- Devyn A. Tyler as Ardelia Mapp
S01E11 Achilles Heal
Clarice zeroes in on the entity behind the River Murders-Alastor Pharmaceuticals. When Julia informs ViCAP of the impending sale of the company; ViCAP rushes, to Alastor to prevent the purging of any incriminating evidence. Clarice questions Alastor's CEO, who quickly changes the subject to Clarice's relationship with his son.
- S01