Inspired by the life of activist Erin Brockovich, the series centers on Annie “Rebel” Bello, a blue-collar legal advocate without a law degree — a funny, messy, brilliant and fearless woman who cares desperately about the causes she fights for and the people she loves. When Rebel applies herself to a fight she believes in, she will win at almost any cost.
Premiere DateApr 9, 2021
- Katey Sagal as Annie “Rebel” Bello
- John Corbett as Grady Bello
- Andy García as Cruz
- James Lesure as Benji
- Tamala Jones as Lona
- Lex Scott Davis as Cassidy
- Ariela Barer as Ziggie
- Kevin Zegers as Nate
- Sam Palladio as Luke
- Abigail Spencer as Dr. Misha Nelson
S01E02 Patient X
Blindsided and upset by Grady's sudden change of heart, Rebel proceeds to help Cruz build their case against Stonemore and enlists Lana's assistance to convince a former patient to aid in their case. Meanwhile, Cassidy shares surprising news with Cruz who is simultaneously dealing with trauma from his own past. Elsewhere, Nate tries to prove Rebel wrong and recruits a colleague to help with his heart valve study.
- S01