Set at Club Eden, the fictional home to the hottest and most sensual male exotic dancers in the country, the series centers around the life of Marilyn 'Madam' DeVille, a fierce businesswoman at the top of her game in the nightclub industry, surrounded by a band of trusted employees who do their best to ensure her continued success. But Madam, a self-proclaimed boss, soon discovers that more money and more power means more problems. Will Madam retain reign as she navigates this dangerous and sexy society? Will the sensuous world of exotic dancing cost Madam her queendom and potentially her life?
Premiere DateSep 9, 2021
- Eva Marcille as Marilyn Deville
- Skyh Alvester Black as AMP 'Addition Anthony'
- Candace Neolani Maxwell as DJ Dime
- Racquel Palmer as Blue
- Michael Bolwaire as Doc
- Keith Swift as Babyface
- Dion Rome as El Fuego
- Jeremy ‘Masterpiece’ Williams as Midnight
- Carter The Body as Trouble
- Oshea Russell as Tommy
S04E08 You Got Served
Babyface denies being Quincy's father, while Midnight denies Renee the relationship she wants, Trouble gets arrested and Toni's alliance with a foe from Madam's past is revealed.