The Red Sleeve Season 1 Episode 6

The Red Sleeve Season 1 Episode 6

Based on a novel of the same name, it tells the record of a royal court romance between the King of Joseon who believes his duty is to his country first above love, and a court lady who wants to protect the life she has chosen.

S01E06 Duk Im's Wisdom

Lee San's confinement still takes place. Despite the long boring time without books, Duk Im's company helps him to stay sane. Lee San needs an ally who can closely advise the King. As Duk Im has sworn an oath to serve San, she volunteers to persuade Queen Kim. She comes up with a plan to make it possible, but whether it will actually work still remains a question.


Source: The.Red.Sleeve.E06.1080p.H264.AAC.WEB-DL-Phanteam


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