Astrid and James, who struggle to find a balance between being mom and dad to two kids and being who they were before offspring.
S02: A new baby enters Astrid and James’ already hectic lives, leaving the family feeling even more strapped for time, sleep, and space. It feels like at every turn, from the new baby needing their own bedroom, to an aging home that needs fixing up, the Berney family may have outgrown city living. In a moment of exhaustion, James considers the once unthinkable: it might be time to move away from the city to find a home with a little more space. But for Astrid, the idea of moving away from her family, and the job she only just returned to, does not land well.
S03: Berneys struggling to find balance between raising their 10-year-old, six-year-old, and one-and-a-half year old children.
Premiere DateJan 13, 2022
- Meaghan Rath as Astrid Berney
- Aaron Abrams as James Berney
- Mikayla SwamiNathan as Vivian Berney
- Logan Nicholson as Felix Berney
- Ennis Esmer as Ennis
S02E04 Screen Time
With their kids' faces always buried in their screens, Astrid and James enact a weekend screen ban, but when Astrid inadvertently takes on an assignment at work and James gets put in charge of his company's social media accounts, leading by example becomes more complicated than they originally thought. In a bid to get some work done, James takes the older kids to the park to distract them while he sneaks in some social media updates and Astrid stays home to put the baby down for a nap before launching into her own assignment. But without the hypnotic power of electronics, Astrid and James are in for an uphill battle.
- EnglishAudio
- EnglishSubtitle