The series follows Daniella Hernandez, a highly sought-after entertainment lawyer in Los Angeles, as she navigates the nefarious lives of her rich and famous clients while dealing with her own complicated personal life as a recovering alcoholic who compensates for her suppressed addiction with men and the adrenaline of defending the worst in the entertainment world against an over-zealous D.A. sworn to bring them all to justice. She is the classic conundrum of doing good for bad reasons and doing bad for good reasons.
Premiere DateNov 5, 2021
- Paula Patton as Daniella Hernandez
- Juan Antonio as Dominiq Mayfield
- Altonio Jackson as Steven Somwon
- Nelson Bonilla as Miguel Costas
- Erica Ash as Beverly Rucker
- Marques Houston as Jason Pratt
- Veronika Bozeman as Tamika Bland
S01E05 Oh, What A Night
While dealing with the emotional aftermath of losing a dear friend, Daniella races against the clock to close an important deal for her biggest client, Zinzi. Additionally, she also struggles to maintain her sobriety in the face of a new threat.
- S01